Get A Tremendous Range Of Designs As Well As Laboratory Equipment

In India, science is treated as a respected subject to study and many people have dedicated their lives towards it. Such a nation needs to treat its students and future scholars with respect and facilitate them with the best quality resources. By resources, we mean places that offer a good quality education based upon the subject and are equipped with laboratory. The laboratories must be packed with the top class equipment as well as accessories and for that, there are many companies that offer a range of laboratory products to such facilities.

Offering the Best Services to Science Geeks and Facilities that Support Them
We are one of the companies that offer products as well as complete laboratories to various facilities. Our offered Laboratory Design in Mumbai is known for its effectiveness as well as optimization of space in any types of laboratory. Our offered laboratory manufacturing services are performed by a dedicated workforce including a skilled and expert designer.
Other than the exquisite designs of our laboratories, we are also known as Lab Equipment Suppliers In Maharashtra and offer top quality equipment. The range of equipment that we offer is made up of the best quality materials which provide a variety of features. We are known for providing a wide range of laboratory equipment which includes:
·        Hot Air Oven
·        Bacteriological Lab Incubator
·        Incubator Cum Oven
·        B.O.D. Incubator
·        Vacuum Oven
·        Hot Plate Round
·        Hot Plate Rectangular
·        Constant Temperature Water Bath
About us
Our company was established in the year 1960 and is known as a leading manufacturer and supplier of laboratory equipment, chemicals and glassware. We offer our items to material testing labs, food testing labs, pathology labs, microbiology labs, school and college Labs and many other places. With the help of a dedicated team of skilled and experienced professionals, we are capable of producing quality products and deliver them on time.


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